Hapi Bear is run by two high-school students who hope to help institutes lower the death rates of pediatric cancer. Cancer can develop in any person of any age, and unfortunately, it is becoming more and more common. Both of Hapi Bear's owners have experienced a loved one battle cancer, and so, they decided to do their part to fight it. The bears on the clothing items are unique and personally designed, and subject to change every month or so. Be sure to check in for any new designs you may want in your closet, be that a new type of bear, color, or a cute pose!

Our Mission

250,000+ children are diagnosed with pediatric cancer yearly, making it the leading cause of death in U.S. children with diseases. Despite this, only 4% of the National Cancer Institute's budget is donated to pediatric cancer research. That's why the Hapi Bear Team decided to take action. Fifty percent of all profit made off of our clothing items is donated to reputable charities that are making ground-breaking advances in pediatric cancer research. We are fighting pediatric cancer one bear at a time!
